Oxine Disinfecting Solution
For Animal Drinking Water
Oxine is the most effective tool for water management in animal facilities. Oxine keeps the bacteria level down in the water lines, and prevents biofilm from developing thus keeping the birds healthier by keeping down the pathogen level that could potentially travel from one bird to another. Oxine makes drinking water more palatable to the birds and therefore they drink more. Additionally, Oxine is highly effective in keeping water systems free of build up.
Efficacy of Oxine against Biofilm
Efficacy of Oxine against Salmonella and E-coli
- Broad spectrum, high antimicrobial activity
- Kills bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa
- Removes biofilm – keeps plumbing clog free
- Selective chemistry – no reaction with ammonia
- Effective over a wide pH range
- Easily implemented and fed to system
- Not affected by temperature variations
- Does not chlorinate to form halogenated organics (e.g., THMs, HAAs)
- Resists neutralization by organic-load and water hardness
- Highly soluble, permitting it to homogenize throughout the system
- Excellent oxidizer for iron and manganese, eliminating the buildup of sludge
- Controls taste and odor problems associated with hydrogen sulfide, chlorophenols and biological organisms
- Low corrosivity
- Low toxicity
- Cost effective
Specific Pathogens
Activated Oxine at 3 ppm with a ten minute exposure time is an effective disinfectant for poultry and livestock drinking water against the following pathogens :
- Escherichia coli
- Enterococcus faecium
Oxine is an effective virucide against the following pathogens when used at 500 ppm activated use solution with a ten minute contact time:
- Avian Infuenza A Virus (H3N2)
- Canine Parvovirus
- Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV)
- Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Disease Syndrome Virus (PRRS)
- Pseudorabies Virus
Oxine Versus Chlorine
Oxine is Better than Chlorine
- Much greater antimicrobial efficacy
- More organic-load bearing capability
- Does not impart offensive odor or taste to drinking water
- Less corrosive to equipment
- Works in a wider pH range, (hypochlorites typically lose biocidal efficacy above pH 7; whereas Oxine is effective pH range of 3-10, providing microbial control during pH swings in incoming water)
- Does not create toxic THM’s
- Safer for workers and the environment
- 2.6 times more powerful oxidizing capacity than Chlorine
- Requires much lower use solution than hypochlorites
- Removes biofilm more effectively
Comparison with other Disinfecting Agents
Success Story
- Oxine was recently introduced to a large Mid-Atlantic grower operation where the product competed against 175 other houses. The house employing Oxine was the most profitable of all 176 houses.
- Mortality rates were approximately 5% lower than the average of all other houses. Houses had a mortality rate of 2687 birds per 31,500 as opposed to the Oxine house which had a rate of 984 per 31,500
- The birds treated with Oxine weighed 0.48 lbs. per bird more than the mean average of all other houses.
- The effectiveness of Oxine in raising livability rates and promoting larger, healthier birds resulted in an average of 50,000 lbs more bird to the processor over the other houses.
- With this data, the grower converted all the other houses to Oxine and is now converting their entire corporate and contract farms to Oxine.
Delivery Equipment
Variety of equipment is available for delivery of Oxine . Contact your distributor for these options and to request literature on Bio-Cide International’s range of equipment that will suit your needs.
Directions for Use
To Disinfect Drinking Water Supply
Activated Oxine solution can be either batch loaded or metered into the poultry and livestock drinking water supply at a point in the system which ensures uniform mixing and distribution of up to 5 ppm chlorine dioxide.
Concentration: 2.00 – 2.10% available chlorine dioxide
pH: 8.2 – 8.5
Solubility in Water: Complete
Freezing Point: 28.9º F (-1.72º C)
Toxicity: Very Low (EPA CAT III)
Stable Solution